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As we know the Prophet Khidir A.S. is a prophet who has been there since the times of Prophet Moses AS still alive until now. Among its duties to protect the oceans. As one of the Prophet khidir`s supranatural science heritage, is called the Asma Sungai Raja /Asma Sunge Rajeh. Science has been taught to several people who were deemed worthy to descend it. In Indonesia, there are many GURU (Master of Spiritual) who inherited the Supranatural Science of Asma Sunge Raja, one of them is the bulder of Majlis Asma Nabawi (YMAN), which is recieved The Best Indonesian Supranatural Award From The Association of Indonesian Citra Professional.

Asma sunge raja has a tremendous supernatural power, and knowledge, including a rare multi-use means that can be used for all kinds of purposes. Have said that even with this knowledge has the same features 10 Hizib choice and knowledge 10 power. And this knowledge is also very easy in doing without fasting. Every time required simply to read the words short and brief so that what we want on the permission of God can happen.

Functions or uses, including: General blessing and special, extraordinary courage, more demand in any business, high-level authority, muffled anger someone, cuff strength, physical strength is not so easy to get tired, the blunt edge of the weapon fire and bombs, body savety from various accident, from many kinds of hypnotize / black magic (term: santet), being cast out and burned fine, to health people from disease, dispel evil genie out of home, Facing affairs with the authorities / Police / Prosecutor and Judge, and many more we can not explain here.

If you are interested in getting ijazah of asma sunge raja, then please free to contac our`s GURU.

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Ilmu Nur Alam Ma`rifat (INAM)
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